What does an Aerospace Engineer do?


New member
My son announced last night that he wants to study to be an Aerospace Engineer when he starts college. I asked him "what does and Aerospace Engineer do?". He said "I dunno, it just sounds like a cool job".

ARRRGGG. Help me out guys. Anybody know?
My son announced last night that he wants to study to be an Aerospace Engineer when he starts college. I asked him "what does and Aerospace Engineer do?". He said "I dunno, it just sounds like a cool job".

ARRRGGG. Help me out guys. Anybody know?
Flip burgers and ask "Do you want fries with that?"
Tracey said:
Does anyone know how to delete a post? My newbie-ness is showing. Again. :mad2:
An "Edit" button should appear below your own posts; click it and it should provide an option to delete it.