What does it really cost to build a plane?


New member
I am looking for some real numbers here, hard materials costs, and labor. Strip away the regulations, lawyers fees, liability, etc. I can buy a nice car for 25 to 35k. I can buy a great top end car for 80 to 100k. Yes, I am leaving out the supercars. What does your run of the mill 172, 182, Archer, or even sr22, cost to actually produce?
What does your run of the mill 172, 182, Archer, or even sr22, cost to actually produce?
That's quite a large variation in machines.

On the low end, according to Wikipedia the "4 seat" Cessna 172R has a useful load of 759 lbs, cruise speed of 140 mph, and stall speed of 54 mph at a cost of $274,900 (2012).

But a "2 seat" Savannah S has a useful load of 700 lbs, cruise speed of 111 mph, and a stall speed of 30 mph at a cost of $71,950 RTF. (Or ~$55,000 + ~110 hours assembly.)

A SWAG would be that cost to produce a C-172 could be done somewhere in the range of $65k, give or take $10k. I'm not sure what is different about the C-172 from a Savannah S to account for the nearly 4 times larger price. It'd take a humongous pile of avionics to add up to all that.