What happens to part 121 pilots after an accident?


New member
Does anyone know what happened to the pilots of the America Airlines flight 2253 that overran the runway at Jackson Hole airport last year? What is the normal procedure for a non-fatal, part 121, accident? Are the pilots fired, suspended, or forced to take a 709 ride?

Alexb2000 said:
We're forgetting:

Every pilot on the planet criticizes them to the n'th degree even if they haven't sat in a cockpit since the Kennedy administration.

Huge arguments start on every aviation board challenging their abilities and backgrounds.

Everyone comes to the conclusion that unlike the pilots in question; their reaction would have been razor sharp, perfectly executed, and put them on par with their rightful contemporaries (Bob Hoover and Chuck Yeager).
Hang on a tic - if every pilot criticizes them, how can there be any huge arguments? Wouldn't universal peace and tranquility reign as all the pilots agreed?

(And I'll have you know I've flown as recently as the Obama administration.)