What options exist for spoken audio alerts of traffic?


New member
What options are available for adding spoken audio alerts of ADS-B traffic?

I have or will have the following equipment:
430W, 496, PMA8000BT audio panel, Navworx ADS600-EXP, Asus TF700 with Anywhere map (no ads-b functionality)

I understand a GDL 88 will do it, but it is about 5k I think.

I believe I read that foreflight / stratus will do it, but I do not use foreflight or an ipad.

A GDL 39 would be a reasonable cost addition. I read that a GDL 39 (along with my 496) will do it, but from the Garmin website it doesn't sound like the complete alert including position and relative altitude. This is what the Garmin website says about the GDL 39 traffic: "Spoken audio alerts announce “Traffic, Traffic” to get you looking right away."

So, can anyone confirm what the GDL 39 actually does in terms of audio alert? What other options are there?