What's the scrap value of a Traumahawk?


New member
I am curious on what the true "scrap value" is on a 1978 Traumahawk. I have come across one that is nearing its 11,000 hr limit for sale. Unfortunately it also has a 2700 hr engine in it.

My thought was to buy it with a fresh annual and fly it as hard as I possibly could for one year. Then at the next annual I would sell what I could and scrap the rest. Obviously this only works if I can buy it for a VERY good price. It is a fairly nice looking airplane for a used up ex-trainer; my only concern is the engine making it another 900hrs or so. I for sure don't want to pay to put a new engine on a plane with 900hrs left to live. I don't know what the market is for a rebuilt 0-235 but I imagine I wouldn't be getting my rebuilt money back.

What do you guys think?
bigred177 said:
What is the market in the expiremental world for a 125hp O-235?
You can put a O-235 into an RV-9, CH-701, CH-750, CH-650, and probably other models in the LSA experimental realm.

So there is a market for used ones in that world.