When do you flap?


New member
Last night I went flying with a friend of mine who is a CFI. ( Not the one I used for my PPL) We were doing night landings and as we entered downwind I set the flaps at 10 degrees, turned base and added 10 more and on final added 10 more. This was how I was taught during my PPL lessons. He suggested that I not add any flaps until I was on final, just in case I have an engine failure I would most likely make the runway. So my question is, How do you do it?
ted6357 said:
Ron, what model Grumman are you referring to here? When you say 'skagging' the tail, do you mean dragging the tail on the ground?

Also, in the case of a flapless landing on this model or similar designed model, how would you avoid skagging the tail, perhaps aim for a three point landing?