When was the last time you went around?

When I bought my plane last summer, I did go-arounds out of necessity, and also for practice/proficiency. I didn’t know my plane, so some of my approaches went to crap and I did go arounds. I also did a lot of practice.

As I got better I could salvage any imperfect approaches. I also did more flying for purposes other than training, so I did less and less going around (1 takeoff, 1 landing).

Now I can’t remember the last time I did one. That’s not good. I think I’m gonna throw one in once in a while.
mryan75 said:
What does require his constant attention is FAA Order 8900.2, Section 2, paragraph 6c:

c. Test Environment. The designee must conduct the oral portion of the practical test in a private area free from distractions. The designee must give the applicant his or her undivided attention during the test and ensure that any discussion of test results with the applicant is in private.
It seems that rule may apply to the oral portion, and not necessarily the flight portion.

Though I am inclined to agree that an examiner texting during even the flight portion is not a good division of attention. Particularly given how much checkrides cost these days, it seems like the examiner can focus on the task at hand. As has been noted, perhaps the device was being used for note taking, which would be different.