Where Did You Fly This Week?


New member

I flew to KMHT from KFRG. this was taken on the way back to KFRG


mostly overcast skies all throughout conn, new hampshire, mass

on the way back to KFRG. north shore of Long Island, direct CCC
Flew on Friday the 13th from Creswell to Powers, a nice little grass airport in a quaint valley (all the valleys in Oregon are quaint.)

I recently picked up a Canon PowerShot camera while killing time in a Radio Shack and wanted to try it out in flight. In theory a dedicated camera should be better than a cell phone one because of lens size and quality. I don't think this 34 second test video really shows what it can do (it was a hot hazy day) but I include it for completeness:


This is the return flight as recorded by CloudAhoy (I forgot to record the flight down):


However, I went there because I wanted to claim it for the Operation Fly challenge (just the second airport I've managed to claim; Peter Yee had snagged a large number of Oregon airports several years ago, so pickings close to home are slim):



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Threefingeredjack said:
KRDM-KRNT-CBBC-PAKT-PASI. Coming home next week
Is that as scenic as I think it is? Wife and I have been down the inside passage on the ferry from Skagway to Bellingham. Nice thing about a ferry is it goes slow enough take in the scenery and aquatic critters. Down side is all the scenery missed during the night. Still, I do hope to fly that route someday.