Who is more full of themselves?


New member
Simple question and not posted as an insult. Who do readers of the forum think is more full of themselves?

"full of themselves" is defined as a person who thinks their opinion is more important than someone else's opinion, not equal.
Prior to a few days ago I doubt I would have appeared on very many people's sh*t list on this forum. Most would no doubt have asked "Jim who?"

That said, I'm afraid I have to ask "Larry who?" I'm afraid I'm not up on the petty animosities that are being nursed by some posters.
GrampaMark said:
As someone who doesn't take anything on the Web seriously, and only visits this board for the entertainment value, I would have to say most of the regulars here are pretty full of themselves. :yes:

They say that proper diet makes for regular posters who are less full. So they say.



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