Why do our airplanes scare people?


New member
Not sure I understand. I have friends and family who will hop airliners all day long and not think twice, but the second I offer to fly them around in the Skyhawk, they respond with something like "little planes scare me." Not quite sure I understand at all, maybe it's ignorance, maybe it's the media, maybe it's me ( :p ), maybe it's a combination of these factors..
Sorry, just a late night ramble...carry on:p
onwards said:
Interesting article. It also says:
What this adds up to is a generation that is more closely watched and less free to screw up. So perhaps it is unsurprising that better behaviour has not, as yet, translated into greater happiness. For all their disavowal of inebriation and criminality, young people are still proving more likely to be diagnosed with depression and anxiety. They are often obsessed with their careers—and rarely satisfied. Young people repeatedly report less job satisfaction than their parents or grandparents. Several studies, including one by the University of Michigan, show that people who use the internet more tend to be less happy, though without establishing more than a correlation. In helping people to stay connected to their peers, social media sites such as Facebook also let them compare themselves to people who are doing better than they feel they are (or at least appear to be, in their carefully crafted profiles).