Why is the WingX web site so horrible?


New member
The WingX web site is no longer horrible!

I saw Dr. Goldstein give a presentation about WingX at the AOPA summit and thought it looked pretty impressive.

My FF subscription times out in a couple of weeks and I was planning to try the WX 30 day trial.

I was just looking at http://www.hiltonsoftware.com/, and frankly, I'm shocked at out of date this site is.

It looks like a dead site of a company that is or is about to be out of business.

There is a picture on the home page of an iPad mini, but when I went to the 'download' tab there was no Appstore link. Instead there are instructions on downloading versions for Pocket PC, Blackberry, and Motorola Q.

There is a link to download a 'draft manual' for a 2008 version.

The 'purchase' tab is only for Android and Blackberry. The Android versions says:

Note: WingX for Android currently does not include Sectionals, IFR Enroute charts, or the Moving Map. We're working on adding these features.
The 'supported devices' are list in this order:
Window Mobile 5/6, Palm, iPhone and Pocket PC. No mention of iPads.

The press release section has current information in it, and the main page has that picture of an iPad.

Frankly this web site is so horrible that makes me question if WingX is a viable company.

I got burned badly by Anywhere Map, I don't want that to happen again.

Anyone know why the WingX web site is so out of date?

Edited to add: As of 3/5/2014 the WingX web site is no longer horrible. :)
JimNtexas said:
I really don't think I should have to go to YouTube to get basic information about the product.
Open the Apple App Store application on your iPad. Search for WingX. There should be a way to install it for a 30 day free trial period. The app store blurb gives plenty of basic information about the product even if you don't download.

I have a useless $1700 Anywhere map system. I'd hate to buy a non-Stratus ADS-B box and have WX go under, leaving me with another useless box.

This web site has pretty much scared me away from WX.
I'm not sure how you could lose more than a single year's subscription of $100 if you did invest in the product. (The product continues to work after the subscription period ends - the subscription keeps the maps, AF/D, and other databases up to date.)

I believe all of the ADS-B boxes that WingX supports also have alternate support apps of their own, so you aren't tethered to Hilton when you buy them. On the other hand, are there non-Foreflight apps that work with the Stratus?
AdamZ said:
I took Jim's comments to mean that if he gets WingX and purchases a non stratus ADS B Box doesn't like Wing X he can't then go use the Non stratus box with FF
Well I suppose that is one way to interpret what I wrote. It also appears to work the other way though: if he purchases a Stratus ADS-B box he can't go use it with any other tablet app.

Is it true that the only ADS-B receiver that FF supports is Stratus, and the only app that Stratus can be used with is FF?

I ask because according to Dual, they say FF declined to add support for their ADS-B receiver, and Hilton reports that Appareo declined to have Stratus integrated with WingX.

In terms of post-purchase options, it looks like there is a larger used market (by app vendor count) if one needs to divest oneself of other vendor's ADS-B equipment - should the need arise. For example, here is a list of ADS-B (and GPS) receivers that WingX supports:


Here is a list of ADS-B receivers and the apps they can be used with:


Were I in the OP's position, I'd take a hard look at the Dual XPGS170 and then sample as many of the apps that claim support for it.
JimNtexas said:
I'm just sharing my honest perception of their web site, and asking if there is any logical reason why most of it has not been updated since 2008.
Obviously you'd have to ask them - but, as best I can tell, if a web page concerns WingX on Windows Mobile devices, then it hasn't been updated since that time. They've obviously stopped developing for that platform. If a web page concerns WingX on Apple iOS devices, then it is more likely to be kept current.

Also, while I'm speculating, I would guess that as the product became more popular and competition demanded more resources to keep up with the Joneses, resources devoted to web marketing were seen as redundant or reached a point of diminishing returns. Word of mouth and free trials are likely their best marketing tools.

I suspect you are not the usual target market simply because you have been using FF, and you may find WingX not to your liking because you'll have to learn a different interface. Since I have only used WingX and learned to use it it comfortably in VFR flying, I find it really nice and handy and have no difficulty with it. If I had started with FF I suspect I'd have been comfortable with that product too.

Lastly, while poking around their web site I just noticed that the About Us web page says that Jack Pelton is on the company's advisory board, but I'm not sure if there is any particular advantage in that.
kimberlyanne546 said:
That and foreflight has been dying a lot on my iPad. Then again, I got it as a gift years ago, and even then it was a used iPad 1.

So I may need to just restore / reset it.
WingX requires at least iOS 6[*] which I don't believe is available on the iPad 1.

[*] The description of WingX on the Apple app store also states iOS 5.1 or later. I guess the only way to know for sure is to try to install it using their 30 day trial period. If you have the space available you could try installing WingX now; no law says you have to wait for your FF sub to expire.
hilton said:
If the App Store says 5.1 why would you state that WingX Pro7 requires iOS 6?
I was merely restating some apparently conflicting App store information; you may want to review it because in the Apple App store Description section for WingX it notes:

"(30-day Free Period option - iOS 6 or later)."

While under the Information, Compatibility section it states:

"Requires iOS 5.1 or later."

As written it sounds like Kimberly could buy WingX for her iPad 1, but she could not take advantage of the 30 day trial period. I suppose that is plausible, but my first inclination was to treat those as possible errors in the App Store blurb.