Why We Need Aviation User Fees

Jaybird180 said:
Why are people so bent out of shape over something that will not affect most of GA?
Perhaps because the administration continues to harp on "corporate jets"?

Also - how and when do they intend to apply this fee and how much paperwork is involved in us not getting hit by it? You think they are going to write the rules that make it easier for them, or easier for us?
I'm still wondering how any such fees are going to be levied.

Does the FAA have any mechanisms in place to handle processing of any similar user fees and their collection? Will they need to spend a bunch of money to put those mechanisms in place and to run them?

In their Circular on user fee policies covering all executive branches, http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars_a025 they say "The user charge schedule should be set by regulation. This will allow administrative updating of fees to reflect changing costs and market values." Their proposal for a specific dollar amount (in this case $100) seems to violate the WH's own policy. The number seems picked out of thin air.