Wine country suggestions


New member
We've done the Napa trip, and now want to do either Washington or Oregon...any one have any suggestions/experiences with either? We would want to go for roughly a week, so we want to make sure there's enough to do.
If you are interested in visiting a winery with an aviation link, there is the King Estate Winery which was started by the King family of King Radio fame. Just south of Eugene, Oregon.

There are a bunch of other wineries in the central Willamette valley of Oregon. See for example

I'm not certain of your other interests so don't know what to suggest; I'll assume aviation is an interest - so:

Evergreen Museum in McMinnville. Spruce Goose and a bunch of other aerospace stuff - see it before it (maybe) closes.

Tillamook Air Museum with blimp hangars. Nor sure the state of their aircraft collection since they were moving to eastern Oregon.

Perhaps you'd like some cheese to pair with those wine visits? Then take a tour of the Tillamook Cheese Factory, not too far from the air museum.

Whether driving or flying, the geophysical eye candy that is the Columbia gorge and Crater lake should be satisfying to your primal sense of place on the planet. As with most mountain ranges the Cascades have the same effect.

Both Washington and Oregon have an ocean coast, with all that comes with such a meeting of land and water. Seafood. Boats. The Oregon Coast Aquarium. If you are flying yourself, there are some interesting airfields on the coast.

I could point out other things of interest to see and do in southern, northern, and eastern Oregon but I'd rather know a bit more about how you intend to get around and what interests you and what does not.

I'll let others handle Washington, which has a lot of things that would keep you occupied for the proverbial month of Sundays.