WingX Pro 7...Tips / ShortCuts / ideas?


New member
I am a hateful convert... I love my Nexus7 (still a droid guy)), but have had enuf of GarminPilot for Droids.
I bought a MiniiPad (i do not like "i-anything") & have WingX loaded. So far, I'm seeing that this is a well thought out program with more feathure to come. Radar weather...soon? I also looked at FF, but feel that it's geared up to IFR mor than VFR.
Any guidance is appreciated. Lets start to folow the problems / trends here.
Capt Gary
Marauder said:
Thanks for replying. I have played around with it a bit more and the route planning does use the "WebPlan" feature but I have no idea how it comes up with some of the routes it does. Sending me to waypoints off of an airway makes no sense. And the fact there is no graphical editing of the route makes it an all text adventure to edit routes.

Am I doing something wrong?
I'm not sure I understand the problem. Regarding the WingX route planning (I haven't used the web planner): When you have the map displayed you can add, edit, and remove airfield and VOR points along your route by tapping on them. No need to type names of anything. Arbitrary waypoints in space can be added by pressing and holding at the desired map location. If you want to add, say, a named intersection just by tapping on it then I believe you'll need to switch to displaying the "IFR enroute - low" map. When the sectional chart is being displayed you can also add named intersections by clicking on the blue "Route" button in the lower left. Only in that case will you need to type the name of the waypoint.

Hilton Software has a bunch of videos on Youtube that should demonstrate many of these features.
I've never encountered your slow map problem - with or without a GPS.

How much memory do you have available under Settings -> General -> Usage?

My copy of WingX Pro7 is using 2.9 GB.

If yours is using much less (or more?) then perhaps one of the map databases is incomplete or corrupt? If you can get it to complete the database loads that might rule that possibility in or out.

Lastly, WingX Pro7 has its own entry in the system Settings dialog. One of the things you can try turning on is the one marked "Start Moving Map in Safe Mode". Never tried it myself, though....
Marauder said:
Some additional information. I found out if I wait for about 15 seconds, the map does appear. I think it is using the GPS or WiFi signal to try to pinpoint your location before showing the map. I think that is stupid, it should be "show the map" and then show me on it. Otherwise , you are waiting for the map to show before you can use it. They need to think more like pilots. Plan then fly...
Unfortunately I've been unable to replicate the problem you are seeing. I've shut off the Wifi, no GPS, turned off location services (under Settings -> Privacy) and the map still shows up with no appreciable delay (less than a second.) Even after shutting the iPad off to avoid any possible temporary caching of position.

Under WingX "Databases & Subscriptions" my "Status" shows App Version iOS is 6.1.3. I'm using an iPad 2.
redtail said:
Yes, the iPad 2 has a built in GPS. As you said before, it shouldn't have to have a GPS signal to use the map. Guess we'll have to use the work around until they fix this.
Marauder said:
What's interesting is some don't have this problem. Jim says he gets the map immediately. I am running the same combination of hardware and software he is. Maybe I will call Hilton and see what they say.
It definitely does sound like some odd bug - contacting Hilton would seem a good idea.

For what it is worth, I just installed the WingX trial version onto an iPhone 4S and with no charts downloaded got blank maps - which is to be expected. Then I downloaded the databases. The sectional map displays promptly when switching to moving maps and selecting VFR Sectional from the View button. However, the iPhone has GPS, Wifi, and cell tower coverage - all of which can be used to provide location. Even with location services turned off and no routes, the sectional map displayed promptly when I switch from menu to map mode (with it centering at Oshkosh.)

I've had WingX on my iPad 2 for over a year now (I do not have GPS on my iPad either - like Marauder I use a Bluetooth connected Dual XGPS150.)