Women are not pulling their weight


New member
In over 4 millennia of Patriarchal society that has never once worked well, I blame women, all the way from then until now. Women have the ability to change the way men not only think, but act as well, and to do it in a matter of weeks, not on an evolutionary time scale, and no great wars need be fought to do it. It just requires cooperation, just turn off the *****. Simple as that. Men are easy to program and reprogram, to reformat, you just turn off the ***** for a month, globally.

Everything men have ever done through time immemorial and across species has been in the interest of getting laid. What men do now, the way they act, it is what is socially programmed into them as the imperative qualities for getting laid. It's what you women want.

It is the woman's responsibility for setting these priorities and standards, and women, you are failing at your job.
Men are easy to program and reprogram, to reformat, you just turn off the ***** for a month, globally.
Unless I've misunderstood the blanked word, even the ancient Greeks knew that wouldn't work, and why; go read Aristophanes' play Lysistrata