WW2 museum in Granite Falls MN


New member
If your in the upper midwest and are into WW2 era warbirds I would highly recommend this museum. It's located at KGDB in Granite Falls, 3 hangers full of WW2 displays. All of the planes that have the wheels on the ground are fully restored to flyable condition.

I flew my father there, from KOTG to KGDB was a quick half hour flight, then we spent a couple hours going through the hangers. Tip, enter the small hanger by the terminal building first, they have a greeter there that'll explain the layout and you can sign a guest book. My Dad is a collector of WW2 firearms so he was very excited go through this. The planes are restored beautifully! That P-38 Lightening is one impressive plane!

Anyway, I highly recommend it if you're looking for a fun reason to fly, open Thur-Sat, opens a 10am. They also have a warbird airshow coming up in June.

Here are a couple pix, please ignore the fact that my Dads hand is on


the P-40, I had to keep reminding him of the signs "PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH THE DISPLAYS"....