You be the the fine?


New member
True story...

Guys wife is going to college at an Orlando area university. Guy drives his wife on campus to register for some class. He drops her off at the building and searches for a spot to park. There is nothing...literally nothing. He finally finds a parking meter available. He pulls up and goes to put money in the meter.

The meter is jammed and won't accept his change. Screwing around with it for 5 minutes or so a meter maid dude happens along. The guy explains whats going on and the meter maid dude tries to operate it. No luck. He puts a bag over it and when asked by the guy he tells him it's okay to park there.

So, the guy goes to find his wife. They both come back to find a ticket on the car. The guy refuses to pay. He appeals the ticket with a letter to the university traffic enforcement group. It's a committee comprised of students and campus police. The letter explains what happened and the exact circumstances.

The committee is not impressed and says the parking fine stays.

The guy is ENRAGED! The meter maid dude SAID he could park there with the busted meter. He TRIED to pay these jackwads. So he says screw them, he ain't paying.

Wife receives a letter saying if the husband doesn't pay she can't graduate. Now the husband wants to firebomb the university as after all, he's the guy footing the bill in the first place. On principle this parking ticket is just wrong.

So, what would you do if you were 'this guy'? Pay the fine?
ClimbnSink said:
Just get on with the firebombing already. Hot tip they film the crowds at suspicious fires arsonists like to stick around and enjoy their work. So if you are going to watch it burn do it from a distance with your huge telephoto lens.:lol:


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