Your thoughts/opinions on my situation; hx depression and ssri use

Gordon Gibbons

New member
Hey guys, I could really use some advice or information from those in the know. Here's the Reader's Digest version:

47 years old, been on Wellbutrin for depression for about 12 years, been on Prozac for about 6 years in combination. I have been completely sober for 13 years.

I would now like to get my PPL, but I know Wellbutrin is not allowed and Prozac requires a special issuance for continued use (correct me if I'm wrong). Discontinuance of these meds could allow me to get my medical.

After discussions with my primary care Dr, she is willing to ween me off everything this fall to see how I do off these meds. If I handle it well, she would report to our local AME that I've been off these meds for however long (60 days? 90?) and have been doing well.

Assuming this scenario becomes reality, do you think I'll be able to get medical approval? The nurse at the AME's office believed I'd be ok at that point, but seems the more I read, the less certain I feel about it. Could the AME say absolutely not, hx of depression, long term medication use for depression, not going to issue it no matter what.

Brutal honesty is encouraged. Thanks in advance, Gordon
Rivet said: Decision Path - I.pdf[/URL] .

Probably best to figure out how to get the records from the practice or a partner that continued the practice. Alternately there is probably some legal procedure for what they do to store records for the legally required interval in your state when completely leaving the business.

Then do a consult with an AME about it.

You will also likely need 60 days of documented mental health not on the SSRI seeing a provider during that time. May need to be a psychiatrist.
Jeezzz, I'm just a SEL class 3 medical taking my daughter for a burger!!!!
Yes, the current aeromedical regs are a minefield of gotchas and catch-22s. It costs a lot of money to do a special issuance and so a lot of non-commercial pilots just quit at that point.

I agree with @jonvcaples, get ahold of Dr. Chien at His consult on this will probably be one of your best values in aviation.