Recent content by RyanShort1

  1. R

    Hugely problematic court ruling

    For someone that buys a new warbird, it is often important that they get instruction... and their new plane may not have dual controls. A court recently ruled against a group for providing instruction in a P-40... personally, I think we should be helping fund an appeal...
  2. R

    Commanche down in San Antonio, Dec 1, 2019

    Sounds like they knew they had an emergency, were talking to tower with a declared engine out situation and were headed to SAT in an emergency. Sad.
  3. R

    What would you do - if you saw this happen?

    Ok, so I personally saw this happen today... The Cub in the film is one that I regularly fly. I usually carry a pretty elaborate handheld radio/intercom rig. Another instructor was on board at the time and only had the intercom, but was following good traffic pattern procedures. What would...
  4. R

    Pictures from recent flights.

    A pair of photos from today's photography mission over Dallas. What have you shot from a plane recently? Ryan
  5. R

    Cessna 150 for sale - not mine

    This ad is for a friend of mine - he's one of my former customers, and I noticed that he placed this ad on Craigslist... I'm pretty sure it's a nice plane and he treats it well. I'm happy when I see his landings. ;) Ryan
  6. R

    Aviation handheld radios, instructors, student solos...

    Ok, so this just became an issue for a group I work with, but I'm beginning to think it has a lot of implications for a lot more than this other group. Some guy that scans lots of channels, and apparently looks for these kinds of things :rolleyes2: sent said group a letter pointing out that any...
  7. R

    1961 Piper Colt - $15K OBO

    1961 Piper Colt - $14.5K OBO So after the Taylorcraft saga ended I still wanted to be able to get around... and bought this Colt thinking I'd get something I could commute back and forth to Boerne with and maybe teach in it a bit when I'm in home territory. In the mean time we've had a baby...