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  1. R

    Ownership decision/Insurance thoughts?

    I can relate to that (no airplane and no life) although I do have a job I’m supposed to be working at.
  2. R

    Ownership decision/Insurance thoughts?

    But you gave a better more thorough answer.
  3. R

    Ownership decision/Insurance thoughts?

    Click on your name up on the toolbar then preferences.
  4. R

    Who says PA28s can't climb?

    Agree with north up. High wing for single engine, low wing twin.
  5. R

    Ownership decision/Insurance thoughts?

    Maybe they just used the wrong term and meant "you could still be a target for litigation by an injured party", but then it goes on to define subrogation, maybe wrongly? Not a lawyer so IDKWITA.
  6. R

    Advantages of the Flyers Forum

    It still wouldn't let me view the thread until I logged in.
  7. R

    Removing EXIF data from pictures…

    Wow, I think Apple changed something in the updates. I don’t see how to do it now without installing a third party app. :mad:
  8. R

    Removing EXIF data from pictures…

    I found this for MAC by googling. Still can’t figure out my iPad. Remove EXIF data on Mac To remove all the metadata attached to a photo on a Mac you will need to use a third-party tool called ImageOptim. This is because Mac only lets you scrub the GPS location data. To remove the GPS data...
  9. R

    Removing EXIF data from pictures…

    I figured out how to do it in Safari on my iPad but it is obscure and I will have to retrace my steps. I know it can be done though….
  10. R

    Ownership decision/Insurance thoughts?

    Deepest condolences on selling your baby. 😢 We too no longer own because we don’t have the mission anymore to justify the costs. Agree about liability coverage!
  11. R

    Will an airplane engine failure on takeoff cause an aerodynamic stall?

    Great research and write up! However the C-152 is a docile airplane that really doesn’t want to kill you. I’m not surprised at the result, but I find your excuse that the FBO had no 747 to rent a little thin. 😋 We need you to repeat this experiment with many other types of crafts. 😁
  12. R

    Zephyr Drone - Yuma AZ - 18 Aug 22

    Shot down by the Russians?
  13. R

    Ercoupe - Ak Chin, AZ - 10 Sep 19

    Wow, that's like one in a million chance of surviving. From 75 feet AGL. They'd be dead if they'd missed that building. You can see from this picture clearly how the building absorbed the energy of the impact...
  14. R

    PiperSport intro flight -Santa Monica, Sept 8, 2022

    What is he talking about, feet can go to the other rudder pedals? I’m not familiar with that plane but how on earth would the person in the right seat use the left seat pedals thinking it‘s theirs? About 22:15.
  15. R

    Severe alcoholism

    And is Canada as stringent? I guess he has been 5 years sober since 2017. I am not the asshole that attacks a contrite anon looking for help in “medical matters”, but there’s a difference between getting one DUI way back in college, and getting to the point 20 years later you’re drinking all...
  16. R

    Severe alcoholism

    Maybe that show exaggerated how bad he was for entertainment. But he was stumbling falling down drunk supposedly for 20 years, all while building a flying career except for cutting back when first licensed for a while, iirc, but went back to drinking and eventually got caught and fired. He’s...
  17. R

    PiperSport intro flight -Santa Monica, Sept 8, 2022

    This one gets to me. The CFI, what a cutie pie. Needless death! Intro flight coming in for landing. During or before flare it pitches sharply up, someone is pushing the mic and you hear “Let go! Let go! Let go!” Then stall, crash, fire. Three theories: 1. Something broke in the plane...
  18. R

    Image loading in Brave Browser

    Do you mean the link to the picture itself was http? Because it look to me like the link to this forum is https.
  19. R

    C182S training - any hints?

    This is what hubby says. (He flew the 182 more, I flew the 172.) Don’t use too much up trim when you’re landing, you will not want it too heavy to push the nose down if need be. The controls are “heavier” than the Skyhawk. I could fly the Skyhawk with my pinkie finger. I don’t know about the...
  20. R

    Will an airplane engine failure on takeoff cause an aerodynamic stall?

    You’re on to something and I know I’m going to end up drawing a force diagram for this thing. If the plane is climbing at a constant speed then the forces along all axes are balanced. Engine thrust is but one, so if you suddenly remove it, what happens? Depends on what the remaining forces do...