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  1. R

    Neat Airport History Site

    Agree! And let little kids have a sense of actually getting onto an airplane so maybe more of them will want to become pilots. With jet bridges you might as well be stepping into A Star Trek transporter. Step from a building into a small space, get literally strapped down, get tilted around a...
  2. R

    What is the “Blue Board”?

    Green, I like it!
  3. R

    Who says PA28s can't climb?

    I love the groundspeed, we have a similar picture on a trip from Texas to NC when we had a screaming tailwind. I’ve only been over Lake Michigan once. Unfortunately it was miserable. Nature called and my bladder flat refused to use the Lady John.
  4. R

    What is the “Blue Board”?

    What color is this board going to be?
  5. R

    Severe alcoholism

    No not me, I can barely stand the stuff. I just watched “Intervention“ season 21 episode 2 “Robin”. 42 year old commercial pilot, used to fly Michael Bolton around, but started drinking heavily, got fired from all his piloting jobs, hit rock bottom ended up in rehab. He drank for 20 years...
  6. R

    Happy Autumnal Equinox

    When I was a kid I always looked forward to school starting in the fall because I love learning, and I was always quickly disappointed and had to suffer through the rest of the academic year.
  7. R

    Cessna 340 / 152 Mid-air - Watsonville CA - 18 Aug 22

    There is an extremely long debate over this one on Kathryn’s Report going in circles with at least one anon posting long diatribes repeating the same argument, laced with a lot of vitriol for the 152 pilot’s instructor, and there are camps where the 340 is definitely at fault and his estate will...
  8. R

    Will an airplane engine failure on takeoff cause an aerodynamic stall?

    I change my answer to this also.
  9. R

    Will an airplane engine failure on takeoff cause an aerodynamic stall?

    Well yeah the engine is providing forward and upward thrust in a climb. If you are at a constant speed and you remove that thrust something else is going to happen pretty quickly because of drag and gravity. The question is will you immediately stall or will you be able to glide for a while...
  10. R

    Will an airplane engine failure on takeoff cause an aerodynamic stall?

    So you’re saying you know the answers for a Cessna 152. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say it might be different for a 747. Or any airplane depending on loading? (CG)
  11. R

    Which header graphic should we use?

    So the button to choose will remain? Mine is still white.
  12. R

    Beaumont, KS 2022

    Nice pirep! Interesting article about Barry Seal.
  13. R

    Which header graphic should we use?

    Night IMC? I agree, too dark.
  14. R

    Advantages of the Flyers Forum

    It says I don’t have permission to view that post.
  15. R

    Advantages of the Flyers Forum

    Great post explaining the philosophy of the forum. If the forum is available to public engines and posts can be browsed by the public, yet I can make my posts invisible to a member, can we have a feature where I can make my posts invisible to the general public not logged in? One of the things...
  16. R

    Which header graphic should we use?

    I see the white as IMC.
  17. R

    Which header graphic should we use?

    I went with white simply because more colors makes a page feel too ”busy” to my eyes, but I like the designs equally and almost checked can’t decide, so I could live with either.
  18. R

    SU-25 Frogfoot attack fighter - Russia - 12 Sep 22

    Off the cuff my first thought is pilot error. Too steep/tight turn too low and slow but I don’t know anything about flying fighter jets. However I suspect that the Russian pilots are no Snort Snodgrasses.
  19. R

    FAA evaluates unique laser-blocking eyewear developed by Air Force Research Lab

    “Notably dainty”? Yeah the frame design needs some work.