Search results

  1. J

    STC-PMA approved - available with or without the STC?

    Haven't had a chance to test for parasitic current drain yet, but while waiting for the charger to arrive I've been curious about the generator and regulator systems. I ran across this nicely done tutorial on Youtube on how vibrating point regulators work:
  2. J

    STC-PMA approved - available with or without the STC?

    No more questions - thanks for trying to explain. The starter issue may be something else: I measured the airplane's battery voltage yesterday with a multimeter and it registered only 11.34V (Uavionix AV30 reported bus voltage of 10.4V.) It is a new Concorde RG-25 installed June 11, 2023 by the...
  3. J

    STC-PMA approved - available with or without the STC?

    I did not notice much difference in flight characteristics, though the early 172s use a Johnson bar to actuate the flaps rather than an electrical switch. Also, access to the baggage area requires folding down the back seat, while later models have a side baggage door. No rear facing window is...
  4. J

    STC-PMA approved - available with or without the STC?

    Sorry, I should have been clearer in my post - the italicized quote came from the B&C web page, not from your web page. I linked to your page because I considered it very useful if I chose to try and adjust the existing starter than replace it. The B&C starter was first STCed and they later got...
  5. J

    STC-PMA approved - available with or without the STC?

    The 1956 C-172 I bought has an old Delco Remy pull starter for its Continental O-300. It sometimes acts up. A search for solutions uncovered a document authored by Ron Wanttaja that helps diagnose and possibly fix problems with such starters. However, I'm leasing the plane to a flying club so I...
  6. J

    My flight lessons

    Very scenic place to fly!
  7. J

    Hangar availability at KRAP?

    Anyone know of hangar space available at Rapid City airport? Currently I'm hangaring with Westjet but looking to save some money, naturally. How about at Sturgis?
  8. J

    Third Starship test launch attempt

    It does look like they had no attitude control, at least along the longitudinal axis, because even at the start of reentry the Starship could be seen getting blasted on unshielded areas.
  9. J

    Third Starship test launch attempt

    They did have some great video feeds via Starlink all the way to the start of reentry.
  10. J

    Added a Regional Forums category

    Shucks, that is OK.
  11. J

    Recommendations for Annual Inspection - Black Hills area

    The 1956 C-172 I bought in February and flew up from New Mexico had an annual in February, so it is a while before I will need another. That said, I've been told it is rarely too earlier to get scheduled in with an A&P/IA. So looking for recommendations in the Black Hills area - feel free to...
  12. J

    Added a Regional Forums category

    Ever wanted to ask for recommendations for some service from local pilots and mechanics? Or chat about some local event or concern? But you haven't established lot of personal connections or perhaps your contacts are sporadic? To help solve such problems I've created a Regional Forums category...
  13. J

    Third Starship test launch attempt

    SpaceX is going to attempt a third test launch of its Starship series of rockets tomorrow (Mar. 14, 2024) at 7:00 AM CT. Guess I'll need to set an alarm just in case, though I'm often awake by then but not always inclined to get out of bed! I suppose if I had to bet on an outcome I'd wager a...
  14. J

    Interview with a former Boeing manager about the Max problems

    Side note: the article quotes Joseph Clayton as saying "...As an AMP mechanic...." I'm going to assume he quickly said "A and P mechanic" and the reporter heard "amp mechanic". Unless there really is such a thing as an AMP mechanic?
  15. J

    The Feynman Sprinkler Problem

    Years ago I first read about Feynman's sprinkler problem in his book "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" I was curious about the solution since his experimental apparatus failed and he didn't provide a clear answer. Anyway, I just saw this video posted to Youtube today wherein the problem is...
  16. J

    Barnacles and MH370

    Not much new except the guy who attached the comment that said "What if that plane was so F'n high that it just left the gravitational pull of the earth???!?" Always good to see some humor. At least I hope it was intended as such.
  17. J

    Bomb joke lands man in jail

    Unless the shoe bomb was worn by the first officer, the fact that the rudder departed the jet is inconsistent with a bomb in the passenger cabin.
  18. J

    Bombardier Challenger 600 - Naples FL - 9 Feb 24

    I suppose the prospect of burning alive is quite the motivator.
  19. J

    Commercial Airline safety

    How expensive are they to fly compared to their competitors and do they make money or are they subsidized?
  20. J

    Painting a yoke?

    Thanks for all that info! You made me curious about leather covers and found one place that shows an example of a leather covered 1956 C-172 style control wheel that looks simple to install (scroll down): Looks like around $320 plus shipping to...