Added a Regional Forums category

Jim Logajan

Staff member
Ever wanted to ask for recommendations for some service from local pilots and mechanics? Or chat about some local event or concern? But you haven't established lot of personal connections or perhaps your contacts are sporadic? To help solve such problems I've created a Regional Forums category where you can find (or have created) the geographic region where your discussions are relevant. If you don't see a forum for your area, just post a request to create it in the Site Feedback and Support forum.

Naturally you should let your personal connections know about the existence of the Regional Forum if it is to be of most value! Spread the word and have them spread it too! They don't have to create an account to simply follow discussions, but naturally they will when they have something to say.

A few words of advice: all posts are readable by the entire Internet. Positive recommendations are least likely to cause you problems, while negative ones ... well, as they say "if you can't say something nice about someone, best to say nothing at all." If you feel the need to warn someone it may be best to use the "Start Conversation" private messaging feature.

If you don't wish to see chatter from a regional forum in your "New Posts" feed then you will need to navigate to that forum and select "Ignore Forum" which is usually on the right side of the display.