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  1. PeterNSteinmetz

    Another update on the Corsair V8 project

    A very good point Ron. The insurers actually have to bet their bottom line on the risks and benefits. Especially for commercial operations involving billions of dollars. If they get it wrong, they pay. Thus they are very incentivized to make sure to be as accurate as possible. This is a very...
  2. PeterNSteinmetz

    Another update on the Corsair V8 project

    That would be an excellent test, wouldn’t it? Does the FAA or some other part of the government have methods in place to measure this? All of the other arguments above are essentially theoretical with no real empirical backing (some anecdotes but those don’t really demonstrate anything, though...
  3. PeterNSteinmetz

    The effects of the McDonnell Douglas acquisition by Boeing
  4. PeterNSteinmetz

    Now you will need to request re-consideration on the application if incomplete

    Thankfully deferred until at least March. Hopefully forever. The other solution which has been proposed to their backlog is that deferrals mean you have your certificate until they say you don't. Given that the vast majority of deferrals eventually result in issuance, this seems much more...
  5. PeterNSteinmetz

    Another update on the Corsair V8 project

    How could it even be possible that adding time and expense would not slow down innovation, at least to some degree? It could easily be the case that potential innovators know very well the sort of obstacles they will encounter with regulation and often don’t even bother. So the timing does not...
  6. PeterNSteinmetz

    Another update on the Corsair V8 project

    That does clarify, thanks. So I think it is clear that the regulations involved for the various operation types require additional work and paperwork, at a minimum. Thus they consume time, energy, and money. And therefore the regulations cause innovation to proceed more slowly than they would...
  7. PeterNSteinmetz

    Joke Thread
  8. PeterNSteinmetz

    Another update on the Corsair V8 project

    So just to be clear - these guys could advertise saying it is a excellent and efficient engine conversion, perform this on customers planes without any additional approvals from the FAA and it would be legal and comply with regulations? However their customers could not rent out or use such an...
  9. PeterNSteinmetz

    Fun North Pole flight

    though I imagine fairly expensive
  10. PeterNSteinmetz

    Another update on the Corsair V8 project

    Certainly a number of interesting points there. For now let’s discuss this V8 project by way of example and since it was the OP. To start with let’s just review the basic facts. As I understand it these guys have worked out a way to use a V8 aluminum marine engine on a C172. They state it...
  11. PeterNSteinmetz

    Another update on the Corsair V8 project

    Fun story Ron, thanks for sharing it. Perhaps I misunderstood your prior post. It seemed to me you were saying that states had outlawed homebuilts and then the CAA stepped in. But this story seems to imply homebuilding was fine until the CAA came up with overly restrictive or ambiguous regulations.
  12. PeterNSteinmetz

    Now you will need to request re-consideration on the application if incomplete

    I am not quite sure what the practical implication will be since one is effectively denied after a request for more information in any case.
  13. PeterNSteinmetz

    Another update on the Corsair V8 project

    Ron, do you have a reference for this? Very interesting,
  14. PeterNSteinmetz

    Boeing 417 design after WWII
  15. PeterNSteinmetz

    If the TSA can’t keep a Russian immigrant off a plane …

    Very true. I would say the things which really bug me about the TSA are: Industrial invasion of privacy just for theater. $11.8 BN wasted. Huge waste of time on everyone’s part. Everyone just going along with this joke.
  16. PeterNSteinmetz

    If the TSA can’t keep a Russian immigrant off a plane …

    How could it keep a determined terrorist off? Answer - they can’t.
  17. PeterNSteinmetz

    Mild drone hysteria

    It is curious how these minor sorts of hysteria about things in the sky get going.
  18. PeterNSteinmetz

    Another update on the Corsair V8 project

    I would submit that the evidence in other industries is that such regulation actually inhibits growth. I am not sure what sort of examples you are requesting. The last time we discussed this, IIRC, there was no evidence specifically studying the effects of these regulations generally in...
  19. PeterNSteinmetz

    Another update on the Corsair V8 project

    Those sort of anecdotes do not, in my view, argue strongly against the large body of literature which shows that these types of regulation slow down innovation and increase cost. This result is sort of also intuitive, is it not? The whole purpose of such regulations is to keep people from taking...
  20. PeterNSteinmetz

    Another update on the Corsair V8 project

    Good points to think about and nice to hear your input. Overarchingly though, it is a well documented and general result that regulations and the accompanying bureaucracy decrease innovation and increase costs. I see no data and analysis to suggest aviation is any sort of special exception...