Search results

  1. Scrabo

    Basic med 2.0
  2. Scrabo

    Landing of Falcon Heavy side boosters

    Never gets old
  3. Scrabo

    New home office chair

    You can always get it.
  4. Scrabo

    New home office chair

    Or the optional kid kicking the back of the seat !!!
  5. Scrabo

    New home office chair

    Got me a "new" home office chair, taken from a Boeing 767-200 Asian Air , even had the safety cards. Very comfortable and reclines a lot. All I need now is a drink service… ping.
  6. Scrabo

    Third Starship test launch attempt

    If we leave it to the government it will be 10 years late and 15x the cost
  7. Scrabo

    Third Starship test launch attempt

    So close yet so far !!! 4th time will be the charm !!
  8. Scrabo

    FFZ based aircraft appraisal

    Looking for an FFZ based aircraft appraisal - it's insurance renewal time and just want to ensure I have the value for the renewal
  9. Scrabo

    Interview with a former Boeing manager about the Max problems

    The bit I laughed at most was the roll out of a dummy 787 , it was really no more that parade float
  10. Scrabo

    Interview with a former Boeing manager about the Max problems

    Good and funny 20 mins on the subject
  11. Scrabo

    Joke Thread

  12. Scrabo

    KFFZ based call for KX-155 W GS 12/14 V

    Your radio repair guy up north was quick to fix the radio , without too much pain to the wallet
  13. Scrabo

    KFFZ based call for KX-155 W GS 12/14 V

    Thanks Peter !!!!
  14. Scrabo

    KFFZ based call for KX-155 W GS 12/14 V

    A gentle man called Ed will meet you , his number is 480 695 xxxx so you can work on a time, I have to work. Thanks for the help
  15. Scrabo

    KFFZ based call for KX-155 W GS 12/14 V

    Thanks. We are X3 and just checking someone can be there
  16. Scrabo

    KFFZ based call for KX-155 W GS 12/14 V

    Looking for someone based @ KFFZ (Mesa Arizona) who would be willing to loan us a working radio for an hour - just to prove our KS-155 is the problem and not the tray or wiring Thanks
  17. Scrabo

    Possible microburst damages three hangars and eight aircraft

    Thankfully both our club plane and hanger were untouched
  18. Scrabo

    STC approval authorizes installation of two SureFly Ignition Modules .
  19. Scrabo

    Starship Flight Test Poll

    Some damage from the launch, obviously the special surface wasn’t so special , probably led to these engine failures on liftoff
  20. Scrabo

    Starship explodes after takeoff

    Title should be Starship exploded after being command to do so from the ground