J Jim Logajan Administrator Staff member Sep 10, 2023 #1 Local story of recent storm. Belle Fourche airport pummeled by storm damages three hangers and eight aircraft
Local story of recent storm. Belle Fourche airport pummeled by storm damages three hangers and eight aircraft
PeterNSteinmetz Administrator Staff member Sep 14, 2023 #3 Scrabo said: Thankfully both our club plane and hanger were untouched Click to expand... I think you are referring to the microburst over KFFZ? My plane also OK but one hangar door off the upper rail. Overall the place looks like a disaster area.
Scrabo said: Thankfully both our club plane and hanger were untouched Click to expand... I think you are referring to the microburst over KFFZ? My plane also OK but one hangar door off the upper rail. Overall the place looks like a disaster area.