28 Days Between Bong and Throttle

Rushie said:
In the case of driving, it’s even worse than that, the “probable cause” power is abused. A cop can claim he smells marijuana and that’s probable cause; you can see the problem there. Some cops (I like to believe most are honest) use that to fish for civil asset forfeiture cash. You don’t even need to test positive or be charged with anything for them to keep your cash.
All they need to seize your cash is probable cause. To recover it you need to show at a civil proceeding that the preponderance of evidence indicates that it is legally your cash.

Of course to do that often requires hiring an attorney and you can’t normally recover legal fees. So for smaller amounts, most people don’t bother trying to recover and law enforcement keeps it.

We really need to eliminate civil asset forfeiture. It should require a criminal conviction to keep someone’s property. Some states are starting to address this.
Clip4 said:
Just because somebody has a CCW does not mean they are they aren’t nuts or a drug abuser. All it means is they haven’t got caught committing a felony.
In general, holders of a CCW commit crimes at something like 1% of the general population. Much more law abiding on average.
Rushie said:
I was referencing what flyingron said, “What it has done is open up the cc permit holder to abuse by the police (at least in Maryland)”. I wasn’t sure what he meant.
I think there have been some reports of MD LEOs observing license plates on the interstates and determining that the driver likely has a CCW from out of state and then targeting them for a stop.

e.g. https://theconservativetreehouse.co...dis-maryland-concealed-carry-driver-incident/

I have no idea how prevalent this is currently.