A few questions from a foreign pilot

Ahron E.

New member
Hi all,

I am a private pilot from Israel, and am planning a trip to the US to accumulate flying hours. For reasons of work and family, I am restricted to just two weeks.

Now, I wonder if it would be better to do it in New York state or in Arizona. The main 3 issues are described below, and I would be very grateful for any advice, however partial.

I hope to come in either August or October (depending on how long it will take for the FAA to verify the authenticity of my foreign license).

1. Because of the very short time available, it would be a pity if there will be big periods of time of IMC (I am not instrument rated). For that reason, I think Arizona will be the best place. But perhaps I'm wrong: are the rainy days in New York so bad for VFR, or can you find even on the rainy days a few hours a day of VMC conditions?

2. A critical issue is the availability of the aircraft every day. For that, a small flight school with very few planes would not be appropriate, because of the risk that I will lose days while there isn't a plane for me. Can you just tell me names of relatively big reliable schools (both in New York state and Arizona) with a sufficient quantity of planes so I can assume that there will not be a problem of availability?

3. The complexity of the area, in terms of ATC, air space, etc. When I look on the sectional charts, the Arizona area looks much simpler. I just get dizzy looking at the New York intricacy. Wouldn't it be better for a relatively new foreign pilot to take his first steps in the simplest area? Or perhaps I can find smaller and quieter areas to train in also in New York?

Thank you all very much in advance. I really appreciate every tip that you can send me.