Airports recording CTAF transmissions


New member
With little fanfare, a newly developed "black box" device has been installed at a number of small airports in Maine to record CTAF transmissions. The system was developed following a recent accident at KRKD in which a departing aircraft struck a ground vehicle and subsequently crashed, killing all three aboard (the NTSB has yet to issue a final report).

I'm curious what pilots here think about smaller airports recording radio traffic and, for that matter, video of aircraft operations for this purpose.

Related article:
Turningfinal said:
Meh, it says "Radio operators should use the following guidelines.."

I'm going to do what it takes to keep myself and others safe in the traffic pattern. In my opinion, there are times when a tail number is appropriate, and there are times when aircraft color is appropriate.
The actual regulations say "shall" not "should". I quoted what appear to be the relevant FCC regulations in this post back in May:

Since the FCC purpose for including station ID has nothing to do with visual identification for the purpose of keeping the paint unmarred, you'd have to say both your N number and the color of your paint.