Airports with on-site restaurants


New member
After this past gathering of POA’ers wining and dining over lunch, I’ve been curious to know if there’s a site that has a list of all airports with restaurants based on-field. I did a quick Google search but couldn’t find anything that matched my criteria. I’d like to find a handful of relatively close airports that I can choose from for a $300 burger run or a potential place for another fly-in. If you know of anything let me know!

TRocket said:
Dude, drop the pocket protector and just come meet to good ole boys for a burger here sometime soon. Forget about data, and have a good time. I'm an engineer. Been around enough to know old school is cool school.
Haha. Well someone will have to pick a time/date/place for something near Phoenix I guess.
TRocket said:
Ill be in Phoenix for work in March, so I'm assuming I get right seat?
Well, let’s see if there is interest inputting something together in that timeframe amongst the other local POA folks.