Any last minute tips for an IFR checkride?

Collin Kaufman

New member
I go in tomorrow morning for my IFR oral and checkride. I feel ready but at the same time I don't feel ready at all. Anybody have any last minute tips or things to study, or maybe even some practice questions lol? Hopefully I'll do well and I'll let y'all know how I do afterwards!
Collin Kaufman said:
He really didn't try to teach me anything it seemed like. It was either "okay good" or "you couldn't be more wrong". I know it sounds bad but it's not an exaggeration
Firstly sorry it didn’t go so well but now you know a bit more about that DPE.

Just one item. Technically the examiner is not supposed to teach at all on a checkride. Some do anyways, but it is not per spec.
alfadog said:
"not supposed to" implies, at least to me, "not allowed to". Is that what you meant? I do not know what the rules are but my IR DPE had a word of wisdom or two and I've heard the same about other DPE's.
Per FAA Order 8900.2 2.g "Teaching/Testing. A designee must not combine teaching with testing during the testing of an applicant."