Arizona/SW members of POA


New member
Are you from Arizona or the Southwest? Interested in maybe planning a fly-in or two? I can't help that reading the threads about the fly-ins by our brethren further East makes me a little jealous.

Although I know that there are established clubs and/or organizations in Arizona but those don't have the exposure or ease of communication that we have here.

If interested, say so and we'll add your name to the list of folks we already have on a private conversation.
Hi. Please add me to the list. We were not able to pull off that one in Winslow but I hope another try will work.
I can’t fly my plane but anyone going from KFFZ with a spare seat or KCHD? Happy to pitch in on expenses.
Walboy said:
I may be able to give you a lift once I know if the others I have offered a ride to accept. Best I can do right now.
Thanks. Just let me know and I’ll be there and will stay flexible.