Broke my back and need HELP.....


New member
My back surgeon is in Vail Colorado. I have broke my back again and need to see him. Dr. Peters. He is the surgeon for the Denver bronco's and one of the best. He operated on my neck and I am so much better.

Living in Illinois they want to bandage it or keep me on pain killers. I need surgery not pain killers.

I am looking for someone who might want to help me. I need a place to stay as I go through this. My wife will take FMLA so she can take care of me. I can barley walk.

I am not a rich person or I would rent me an apartment. The wife and I can not afford this.

I do not know what else to do. I NEED HELP.
Captain said:
No doctor has a monopoly on care. Find another doctor.
I think you and others missed something. He wants to find a good doctor that is willing to only accept whatever medicare pays since he wrote "The problem lies all I have for insurance is medicare. Dr. Peters does not care that is all I have[....]"

Flying airplanes is chump change expense when compared to the cost of that kind of surgery.
AcroBoy said:
Anyone that actually cares can look up histrionic personality disorder as an example of a personality disorder as exemplified by the OP.
You may want to tread lightly when using that line of persuasion. At this point it looks like you've suggested some alternatives the OP should look into, but you have now become emotionally involved to the point of making yourself look troubled yourself. The OP at least has physical pain that might be pointed to for an excuse, but you haven't even that much.

More to the point, if your intent now is to belittle the OP, what does this achieve? Does it help him? Does it help you? Someone else?
AcroBoy said:
Based solely upon his responses, I suggested that he might in fact have mental health issues that were more the basis of his problems than an actual physical condition. You are the one assuming and suggesting that mental health issues are somehow pejorative or less real than physical conditions.
Post 64 contains the words "ranting" and "trolling". Anything you posted after that is as transparent as glass.

To individuals who have these problems and the people around them, mental health issues are indeed very real. He even said himself that he had a psych eval, which he discredited.
Bias in selecting facts or you misread what the OP wrote. He was found to have osteoporosis only after the eval. He has MRI showing physical damage.

Are you suggesting that mental health issues are any less significant than physical ones?
Golly gee no, that would be awful of me. I'm suggesting you should probably shut up now for your and the OP's own good. The OP has been posting to this forum for several years and this is the first time I recall him mentioning any such medical problem of his own. He did lose a son several years ago but it didn't seem to affect his posts to PoA.

AcroBoy said:
And, pain is obviously subjective- why is it acceptable to have endless circular posts about physical ailments, yet suggesting that his problem might be related to mental health issues is less valid or even insulting or insensitive? Tell that to the vets with TBI or ptsd.
The error the OP made was not rigorously thinking out a viable plan of action before posting. I've had pain from gallstones and found it interfered some with my analytical thinking just a tad - I figure the same might be true of the OP.
MAKG1 said:
I assumed a sport pilot would need to be familiar with 14 CFR 61.53(b), and would not be so stupid as to fly when a bit of turbulence can incapacitate. From what you describe here, you are clearly not able to operate an aircraft in a safe manner under reasonable circumstances, due to the very substantial risk of incapacitating injury.
He has already grounded himself - see post 5 of his thread here:

Oddly enough you posted the same caution there and he agreed.
Since I'm too geographically distant to lend direct help...

With respect to the underlying medical problem I would suggest some over the counter supplements such as vitamin K2, D, and of course calcium. That doesn't help the immediate problem, but over time they may keep the problem from progressing much further. This page has specific supplement recommendations:

See also