Can I get a medical if ...

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Staff member
There are many questions that are commonly asked about obtaining a FAA medical certificate. The Applying for a FAA medical certificate thread provides a general overview of the process. This page attempts to provide answers to some of the common questions about whether one can obtain a medical certificate given a condition.

Can I get a medical if ...

I don't really have a drinking problem?

If you have to answer yes to question 18 v on Form 8500-8, the FAA considers you to have at least alcohol abuse. There is then simply NO way to obtain a medical certificate to fly unless you are completely abstinent.

The FAA has a table describing how it evaluates applications with a history of issues with alcohol which advises the AME how to proceed. Obtaining a medical certificate with such a history will require participation in a drug monitoring and HIMS program. The FAA provides an overview of the required evaluations.

If I had a drinking problem?

The FAA requires at a minimum documentation of recovery and abstinence. See their overview of the required documents and evaluations.

Critical questions during the evaluation are:
  • Number of DUIs? This is as shown on a 10 year DMV search. Was it only 1, or more?
  • Were the events 5 or more years ago? Or more recently?
  • What was the BAC? Categories are <0.15, <0.18, >=0.2, didn't blow.
The likely interventions required to obtain a medical depending on those answers can be broken down as follows:
# DUIsBACTimeframeIntervention
1< 0.15> 5 years agoCan be issued by the AME after investigation if there is no history of alcohol abuse or dependence.
< 5 years ago
0.15 <= BAC < 0.18Requires Chemical Abuse Depenency Counselor evaluation of 5 factors of tolerance, withdrawal, lifestyle centered on use, continued use in the face of bad outcomes, and blackouts.
0.18 <= BAC < 0.2Requires HIMS evaluation. 6 months negative random urine screens, logged AA attendance and other awareness activities.
0.2 < BACConsidered alcohol dependence. Requires rehabilitation treatment. It will take a long time to obtain a special issuance as well as lifetime monitoring.
> 2Airman must provide personal statement and will be evaluated by FAA for action.

If I just smoke some marijuana occasionally?

Marijuana is a schedule 1 illegal substance per Federal law and you will not be issued a medical certificate if you have used in the last 90 days. Under current law and regulation, it is just necessary to make a choice between being a pilot or using marijuana. The proposed reclassification of marijuana as a schedule 2 illegal substance will not change this necessary choice.

If I have a history of depression?

This depends on exact psychiatric history, whether you still have depressive episodes, and whether you are being treated with medication. One can obtain a medical certificate as a special issuance if one has been or is being treated with 1 of 4 permitted selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs). There are two possible SSRI pathways for doing so. See SSRI Initial Certification for more details.

If I am taking an anti-depressant?

It is possible to obtain a medical certificate if you are being treated with 1 of 4 permitted SSRIs and the illness is documented as being under control. See SSRI Initial Certification for more details.

If I have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) ?

The ability to obtain a medical certificate depends on whether one still has this illness and is being treated for it. If this was a childhood condition which has resolved, it is possible to obtain a medical with some basic evaluation. The AME can now issue a medical certificate in office for distance conditions. Otherwise, it may be possible to obtain an initial special issuance.

If I have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disease?

The FAA is presently very reluctant to provide a special issuance medical certificate with any hint of bipolarity. If one has been off medications for 10 years with documented no psychiatric illness, this can be possible.

If I have suicidal thoughts or have attempted suicide?

The FAA recognizes that suicidality lies on a continuum. From very passive ideation like wondering what it would be like if one were dead to actually making a serious attempt to kill oneself. A special issuance may be possible in some less severe cases and will require documentation of appropriate treatment of the underlying condition which gave rise to suicidality.
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