Cancer Diagnosis - Medical


New member

If possible, would somebody be able to shed some light on a nasty subject?

I hold a 2nd class Medical Certificate (issued right before my 40th birthday in January) - Orignally set to expire in one year for Class 2, in 5 for Class 3 (because I renewed it before my birthday).

In March, 2 months after receiving my certificate I was unfortunately diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, and am already receiving treatment for the disease. Since the diagnosis, I have grounded myself, as everything I've read the FAA does not like Cancer in the slightest until it's deemed regulated and under control.

I've done some lengthy research from the FAA's information directly, including FAR and their specific medical sites (Unfortunately I can't link any of the sites I used, as this is my first post on this forum and the security protocols won't allow any links until I post 5 threads or so).

All of the FAA medical mentioned multiple types of cancer to include Leukemia, Lung, Prostate, etc. But unfortunately for my specific one (multiple myeloma), I have yet to find any information out at all.

Can somebody please let me know if the following plan is sound:
- I continue to ground myself with 0 flights at all until cancer treatment is complete and I'm either in remission or it's at least manageable by oral medication or similar (These are the two outcomes the Dr's are describing).
- Once the above bullet is complete (expected to be October or November time frame if everything goes well), I revisit the FAA Dr. and explain the situation with all paperwork in hand. If everything goes well, I'm hoping the Dr. will allow provisional flying at that point or at least this is what I'm wishing for.

Apologies for the long thread, and if this was the wrong location to post it. I was banking off the idea that this looked like the "general discussion" location.
On Basic Med, you will need to have the physician, who can be an AME, agree that you are safe to fly. Definitely DO NOT apply for another medical certificate until you have a consult with an AME that specializes in complex cases and he can assure you you will be issued, even if as a special issuance.

Link on how to do an AME consult.

You want to be sure you are not denied, as that will ruin your ability to fly LSA or under Basic Med. Could even jeopardize ability to fly gliders and motor gliders, depending on letter and circumstances.

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