Cessna Cardinal RG maintenance costs


New member
Hey everybody,

I'm looking at maybe buying a Cessna 177RG and try to gather as much information as I can.
As the title suggests I would like to know from long term owners, or mechanics who work on these birds, what regular maintenance costs I might expect. Obviously a retract will be more expensive than a fixed gear, that is a no-brainer. I've also seen the wing-spar AD that is being issued, but since I'm not planning on actually pulling the trigger in the next 12 months, that's not a major concern for me at this point. I'm just trying to get a feel for what Cardinal RG owner's are looking at, on a regular bases. Are $4,000 - 5,000 a year way short of what it actually is, or are my expectiaions at least in a reasonable ball-park?