Chart for old VOR RNAV approach?


Staff member
I am interested to see an old chart for a VOR RNAV (not GPS) approach if anyone has one.

I am about to purchase an aircraft that has an honest to goodness working KNS-80.
That image Jim is interesting. So basically they name and specified the waypoints as lat/long and VOR/radial/distance.

There is still an RNAV approach to runway 16 there, but the waypoints all have different names and are GPS based. The VORs are still there.
I am interested to see an old chart for a VOR RNAV (not GPS) approach if anyone has one.

I am about to purchase an aircraft that has an honest to goodness working KNS-80.
Given the rarity of these procedures today, finding an old chart might be challenging. You might consider reaching out to aviation museums, historical societies, or online forums dedicated to vintage aviation materials. Additionally, exploring the KNS-80 Pilot's Guide can provide valuable insights into its operation and the types of approaches it was used for.