Checkride - My story.


New member
Well finally got signed off for the checkride (this time for all the right reasons! - go search for my postings from last year if you choose)

Anywho, got through the Oral portion on Saturday with "excellent job" the wx wasn't condusive for flying. So we scheduled for today (April 17th). Got the thing started (1978 Piper Warrior) eventually - DPE helped he knows it's a bear to start for some reason. Did the run up and everything. Taxied to the runway. Waited for the Bonanza to land (he was left base when I got to the line - I could've gone but I was so nervous I didn't want to screw it up for him) he landed way long had to back taxi so I waited. (Had PLENTY of time for checklist and I totally forgot to use it!) Short field was my first (put in two notches of flaps) taxi out and rev up the engine with full brakes go about 300 ft and he pulls the throttle and says "Engine died - do you know why?" I look and say "Shoot fuel pump on" He said "Too late - would you like to continue" I agreed. We go and start on the xc and I point out my first landmark. He says "Fine - wx is too bad to keep going this way head South and find an airport in this direction" So I look on my sectional and put the first one in the GPS it's SSW of our current direction he says "It goes West and that's no good - try again" Find one and he says that's good. Do some VOR tracking. Climb up to 3500 ft and get to choose between slow flight or steep turns. I rocked those out really well. (he made me do both of them) on to instrument/hood work and knocked those out. Emergency decent to an airport was fine....getting down to 600 ft when you start out at 3500 midfield took alot of work! Landed fairly uneventfully at my home airport and my CFI said "Well how did it go?" I said "Well it could've been better if I remembered the fuel pump" he was like :sigh: So all I have to do is get one more signoff that my landings/takeoffs are good. Presumably my CFI will go out to make sure I don't lose my mind on those but that's pretty easy to clean up. I was quite pleased with myself that I didn't let the "early" failure get me down. My husband was like "HOW COULD YOU FORGET THE FUEL PUMP?!"

The way I look at is I could've mucked up something else and my CFI could go out and do it but there's nothing he could say anymore that'd help me. So we'll go fly and make sure my takeoff/landings are good and I'll pay the DPE $200 for the retest. Stay tuned...

(Wonder how many postings I'll get on this one!)
I could've gone but I was so nervous
Looks like that early nervousness lead to...

(Had PLENTY of time for checklist and I totally forgot to use it!)
[...] "Shoot fuel pump on"
It was good to see that you recovered:

I was quite pleased with myself that I didn't let the "early" failure get me down.
I do not have the reference handy, but I do know that it has been established that lessons learned by trying and failing are much more permanent than those in which you try and succeed right away.