consumed 2 pills of SSRI through Telehealth, third class medical


New member
I know consulting an AME is the best plan of action, but I dont have too many people I know, so I am reaching out to potential helpers here.

1 year ago, I had undergone surgery (appendicitis), and a few days later, had trouble sleeping. Due to my stitches, I decided to do a Telehealth visit to some random doctor (paid online but out of pocket, without insurance) I found online. His prescription was Generalized Anxiety Disorder and prescribed me escitalopram. Just to 'get a taste' I only purchased 2 pills. I had observed side effects so I didnt get any more. And the sleeping issue was gone in a few days by itself so I didnt ever get any more.

Now, after graduating out of college, I decided to pursue a PPL as a hobby, and have been going through quite a few hoops as a non citizen (that aspect is looking good so far), but I am really not sure what to do with this particular diagnosis situation.

I should be able to go to walgreens and get the record that I only had 2 pills, based on other posts it seems that this information is going to be useful?

What are my options here?

1. should I plan for decision path 1 for SSRI meds?
2. contact the doctor and get note saying I am done with the SSRI
3. not mention it? I only had mild insomnia and not 'full blown' depression.

I know LSA is an option but I would really prefer a PPL
I know consulting an AME is the best plan of action, but I dont have too many people I know, so I am reaching out to potential helpers here.

1 year ago, I had undergone surgery (appendicitis), and a few days later, had trouble sleeping. Due to my stitches, I decided to do a Telehealth visit to some random doctor (paid online but out of pocket, without insurance) I found online. His prescription was Generalized Anxiety Disorder and prescribed me escitalopram. Just to 'get a taste' I only purchased 2 pills. I had observed side effects so I didnt get any more. And the sleeping issue was gone in a few days by itself so I didnt ever get any more.

Now, after graduating out of college, I decided to pursue a PPL as a hobby, and have been going through quite a few hoops as a non citizen (that aspect is looking good so far), but I am really not sure what to do with this particular diagnosis situation.

I should be able to go to walgreens and get the record that I only had 2 pills, based on other posts it seems that this information is going to be useful?

What are my options here?

1. should I plan for decision path 1 for SSRI meds?
2. contact the doctor and get note saying I am done with the SSRI
3. not mention it? I only had mild insomnia and not 'full blown' depression.

I know LSA is an option but I would really prefer a PPL
I would suggest doing a consult with an AME before formally starting an application with the FAA. See instructions at .

I suspect an SSRI decision path 1 should be possible given the history.

Your option #1 will involve #2 but with particular wording.
harveypilot said:
Thanks guys for the responses.
I must say I'm pretty disheartened at this. As a non citizen I had been going through the additional challenge of getting TSA approval and had hoped I could now focus on just my flying.

How would a board certified psychiatrist evaluation work? Do I need any referral or can I ask them for an evaluation directly? Would anybody know how long it would take?
It can work out but will take some time and money.

I would start with the AME consult and go from there.

Also, as noted in my info page, link above, there are a number of ways for you to start your training while the medical issue is pending.

Keep at it!