Crazy statements in Ads


New member
I get a chuckle out of the phrases in some Aircraft For Sale Ads. What are some of your favorites. I always scratch my head when I see:

"For Immediate Sale" Duh are you listing something to sell it in a year?

"Airline Pilot Owned" Ok so he is really good at flying an approach to mins but who cares? Have you heard the expression ' A cobbler's kid have no shoes'?

"$17,000 Spent on last Annual" Ok so either you really neglected your plane until then or something really important broke and now they are fixed.

" Your search is over" Really? Thanks for letting me know.
SixPapaCharlie said:
I don't know how anyone can handle barnstormers.
If I took a crap and it built a website I think it would be more organized.

That site seems to have better deals but it is not worth the migrane
It's like digging through a litter pile full of scraps of information.
Unit74 said:
Unless he is a comm pilot, that's illegal anyway.:nono:
61.113(f) allows a private pilot (who has at least 200 logged hours), while acting as a salesman, to be compensated for demonstrating an aircraft in flight to a prospective buyer.