The questions I would like to ask this group are:

Are all Private Pilots with a 3rd class medical who receive a DUI now required to become abstinent for the rest of their flying days?

Is a Special Issuance Medical required for all who receive a DUI?

I was arrested for DUI a few years ago. When I applied for my next medical, I was given a letter that denied my application. The letter gave me several requirements to complete before I could re-apply. One of the requirements that I was given, was to go to an HIMS-AME. So, I made an appointment and saw an HIMS-AME. At this initial appointment, I was given the specifics of the program I would need to complete (4 months of counseling and testing to make sure I wasn't consuming any alcohol). I was also told I would have to maintain abstinence for as long as I held a medical for the rest of my life. I was also told that at the end of the program I would probably have to get a special issuance medical every year going forward.

Some back ground information: At the time of the DUI, I was 58 years old and have never had any issues with alcohol or any other substance. I hadn’t even had a speeding ticket in over 20 years. I have never operated an aircraft while under the influence of any alcohol or other substance. This was a one-off situation where I made a mistake and drove when I had consumed 3 beers (9.8 percent alcohol) within an hour and a half.

The State where I live has a rigorous program that if followed allows for the expungement of a first-time conviction for DUI. I completed all of the 28 requirements, including an assessment for dependency issues and a course of counseling. The assessment for dependency scored me as very unlikely to have substance abuse issues and I shared all of this with the Medical group at the FAA.
Daleandee said:
Pardon me while I go off the rails and show my ignorance here but I want understanding please. I fly with a Sport Pilot Certificate and use a driver's license as a medical. For the record I do not consume alcohol and have never had a DUI. I'm just curious about this medical business as it appears the FAA is extremely intolerant of any lapse of judgement in this area (to which I can agree) and I have a friend that has wondered about getting a PPL. I know some of his past and have suggested that he stay with Sport.

But my question has to with the Special Issuance Medical. Can an applicant, after receiving the SI, go apply for Basic Med? Obviously there are restrictions against this or others would be doing it. Some clarification for those of us that stand in awe of the PPL guys with real medicals ... :p
Short answer - yes. There are more detailed answers in other threads on this subject. Agreed perhaps start a separate thread with appropriate title and I imagine the experts will chime in.