Examples of rude pilots


New member
I flew into e38 (alpine tx) for the Labor Day holiday.

We rented a car but while talking with the airport manager he mentioned the courtesy car is available for use for an hour. It used to be available for longer but one pilot and his family flew in and said they needed it for a couple of hours and ended up taking it for two days. It would have been longer but a friend of his noticed it at the big bend national park lodge and the manager sent a sheriff to ask them to return it.

Personally I would have gone to pick up the car and left them stranded but that's just mean.

Any other examples of rude folks? Cutting you off in the pattern, etc?
John Baker said:
Someone had once told me that is is always a pleasure working with either the very wealthy or the very poor, neither group worries all that much about money and will always treat you with respect.
Jay Honeck said:
The truly poor people -- the ones who are making an enormous budgetary stretch to be here -- are wonderful. The super wealthy are as well.
Lawreston said:
John Baker nailed it! I saw it regularly in my little mom & pop camera store for 27 years.
Fortunately for you gentlemen, it has been said that the middle class is vanishing. A few will allegedly move up into the wealthy class and the rest to the very poor. The result will be that eventually everyone will treat you with respect. None of you, I presume, are or ever have been in that middle class that generally disrespected you.
Jay Honeck said:
Now THAT is funny!

My take home pay last year put me easily below the poverty line, as we continue to plow everything we make back into our new aviation themed digs.

Many years are that way. Some years aren't. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Looks like I need a step down in income so I can afford an RV-8A. (Well actually an RV-9A would be my preference....)
John Baker said:
No matter what you post, or what your line of thought is, there will always be those who read what they want to read, and misinterpret the whole thing. Myself, I am always astounded at their cleverness. I am also frustrated by my inability to communicate my thoughts so that all who read them, will understand them.

I am sorry if I misunderstood. I read at least three posts that seemed to provide observations that supported the generalization that the poor and the rich tended to be nicer to deal with on a business and personal level than others. The only other group that seem to remain is the middle class.

If any of those posters wish to correct my understanding of the point of their posts I would appreciate it.
Cap'n Jack said:
I know this sound a bit disgusting, but open the bags and see if there is any mail in the trash. You'll have their address and can return their lost property.
That's what we did. Drove back to the church, had a Thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat, went to sleep and didn't get up until the next morning, when we got a phone call from Officer Obie. He said, "Kid, we found your name on an envelope at the bottom of a half a ton of garbage, and just wanted to know if you had any information about it." And I said, "Yes, sir, Officer Obie, I cannot tell a lie, I put that envelope under that garbage."

-- from Arlo Guthrie's song Alice's Restaurant