Flying an non-IFR certified aircraft legally in IMC?


New member
Scenario, I need to get a non-IFR certified aircraft out of an airport that has an overcast layer over it. Would it be legal if I fly in close formation with an IFR certified aircraft to get through the overcast layer?

I can stay close enough to the IFR certified aircraft to fly visually and he can fly on instruments.

P.S. I realize that some of you will say that this can be dangerous, I do not want to argue the regarding the safety of such a flight, I am only trying to find out if something like this is legal.
ja_user said:
So, in the military world Why would anyone be asking it if it was legal? Legal isn't the right world. It is either against the civil regulations or not, none of which apply to government or military flights...
Except where it explicitly states otherwise, 14 CFR Part 91 flight rules apply to government and military flights. Check the definition of "person" in 14 CFR Part 1. Then note that 91.155 uses the phrase "no person".

In fact you'll notice that section 91.7 and 91.9 start with the phrase "Civil Aircraft" which is also defined in the Part 1 definitions. These are the sort of rules that don't apply to government and military.