Full rental power


New member
So what is it?, how do you set it up?
For a specific example, let's say a Cessna 172.

I've seen it mentioned as throttle to the firewall. Now, If I'm flying, say, at 4500, I put the throttle all the way in and keep it level, it seems like the engine will go to red line, and maybe even past it. Is this not so?

Do you still lean as not to foul the plugs?

And more important, is it damaging to the airplane or is it just not wise from a fuel economy perspective?
The FBO I rent at charges a wet rate per Hobbs hour, but if you need to refuel at another airport they'll only reimburse your fuel costs at the lower of either the home airport rate (minus $0.10/gal deal they get locally) or the foreign airport.

The result is that if you actually go someplace far enough to need a refuel you have a personal incentive to minimize your costs by seeking low cost pumps, good leaning techniques, and probably avoiding fuel hungry full throttle settings.