Good Interview Questions


New member
Since I'm getting bored of my old interview questions, what questions do you ask potential candidates and why? :)
There are no good interview questions because it has been shown that the typical interview technique sucks at predicting job performance relative to other measures.

Few people who are called on to do interviews have any training in doing them.

Consider the following table from "Validity and utility of alternative predictors of job performance." Hunter, J. E. and Hunter, R. F. 1984 Psychological Bull. 96:72-98

Predictor: Validity in Predicting Job Performance Ratings

Cognitive test score: 0.53
Biographical data: 0.37
Reference checks: 0.26
Education: 0.22
Interview: 0.14
College grades: 0.11
Interest: 0.10
Age: -0.01

There is something known as structured interviews that are almost as usefule as cognitive scores, but nothing anyone has posted indicates familiarity or use of them.

Interviews might provide some gut comfort, but unless you've studied and carefully designed your interview technique, you may as well stick to using interviews to select based on compatible personalities, and stick to other mechanisms for selecting for highest probability of good job performance.