Happy Autumnal Equinox


Staff member
Always my favorite time of year. i don’t know if that is more from the crisp cool weather, my birthday coming up, or a new school year. Maybe all three.

I guess coming from an academic background I always looked forward to the new classes and people to meet. But I know this is not likely a common feeling.

When I was a kid I always looked forward to school starting in the fall because I love learning, and I was always quickly disappointed and had to suffer through the rest of the academic year.
As an unabashed human psychrophile, I've always loved autumn because it meant that winter was right around the corner. Few things put a smile on my face as much as seeing leaves turn and fall, frost, that magic smell once the temperatures start to drop at night and humidity starts to lessen.

On the other hand, even though things (especially maths, sciences, and music) came easily to me, I never really liked school as a kid, and August was always tough, knowing that my joyous life of freedom was bout to end for another 10 months. I liked being with my friends, but hated having to complete assignments on material I'd already assimilated, or, even worse, had no interest in. Ah, the dichotomy of life. Sooo... of course... after several years after college as a full time musician, I became a full-time public school teacher and part-time adjunct college professor. After a year or two, the angst suffered as a youth returning to school returned ten-fold as a teacher! 32 years later, I retired from the profession.

Fall has NEVER been so wonderful!!!! :) Looking forward to sub-zero (Fahrenheit) temps and feet of snow in another month or two!