Help: I fear I have beome a "with you" snob


New member
Yesterday I did a couple of short flights (not work, where we typically climb up to a higher altitude controller quickly, but in my own plane) across California and back. There was a good amount of GA traffic transiting the San Joaquin valley.

Now, I have never been one to really care about non-standard phraseology to the point of getting annoyed... but for some reason the whole "with you" thing just hit me like a ton of bricks for the first time in 15+ years of flying. Cessna's were saying it. Thick-sounding-Asian accents training near Castle were saying it. Experimentals, Mooneys, and other types were saying it. Saying what? Saying this: "Norcal approach, Cessna 12345... WITH YOU at 4 point 5.."

It was one of those looking-glass moments when I suddenly started paying attention to checkins and realized that every GA pilot in that space and time said it.

Now, I did not start a thread to complain about 'with you'. I apologize if it seems that way I'll bet that that topic has been discussed here before. The thing is, I need help. It started to drive me nuts. I'll admit it, I have a problem: It made me a "with you" snob. How do I go back to my free and easy ways of just not giving a rat's a$$ what people say? :D