I got reported to the FAA (not a ******* Satire)

So there I was (Its my birthday and I am full of Dogfish Head 120 so bare with the lack of continuity)
I started a new job on Wed and on day 1 I was all "awe yeah whose you're IT Director?"

3/4 through the day, I get a phone call and the # is not one I know but it is local so I answer.

A dude says "This is Ad*m H*nderson (that could be any name) from the North Texas FSDO"
My first thought is that @EdFred is jacking with me.

I go "sure dude! what's up?"

He says "I can't talk to you. I need to send you an email, you need to respond that you have received and understand it and then you can call me back and we can talk"

I am so stoked that EdFred is going to email me a photo of his junk.

BUT..... I check my email and I see this message from A*dam Hende*son @ FAA.Gov


2 attachments.

First was this:


The second attachment was a Bible of information but this was what mattered:.


"I may be receiving compensation for acting as a flight instructor"


I have NEVER even taken anyone's pro-rata share of fuel for a flight.

I called the guy back expecting him to tell me someone claimed I was making instructional videos and maybe getting paid from youtube ads or something.

Sit down now...

He says this:

"a member of an aviation related facebook group took a screenshot of a comment you made and sent it to the FAA so we need to investigate"

I asked "what was the comment?"

Someone posted on a Texas pilots facebook group asking "can someone recommend a local CFI to teach me to fly?"

I responded:

"I can teach you but I am not a CFI so it won't be legal which is why I have a cash only, under the table policy but I'm good :) "

Someone sent that to the FAA and now I have to take my logbooks, cert, medical, etc to the local FSDO and some explain that I am not receiving money for flight instruction.

I don't care so much about having to go through the motions but I can't believe the FAA takes seriously a FB comment and I think whomever reported me is a pathetic spineless p*ssy.

Why do they want my logbooks? What currency requirements are there for facebook posts?
I could see if they saw a video of me flying through a cloud or something but this is NOT aviation related at all.

I will go to the FSDO next week and I will play nice but this is ********
"I can teach you but I am not a CFI so it won't be legal which is why I have a cash only, under the table policy but I'm good :emoji4: "
Sorry about the investigation, and this is not a defense of over-regulation in any way, but reading this carefully, I can see how someone might have mis-interpreted this. The smiley could have been thought to mean the writer is happy about being good and getting cash only.

Hopefully the investigator knows it is a joke, as stated, and this will be over quickly. Hopefully also makes the subject of a funny video. Keep em up, they are quite entertaining!