I want to finish! (Advice Needed)


New member
Hello everyone!:wink2:

Alright, so long story short:

I'm 23 years old, I have around 200+ hours, private license, was on my way wrapping up my instrument rating, but I ran out of loan money:(

I've been out of flying for a couple of years now (I was going to change my career path) but I realized that I can't picture myself or want to do anything else than fly. So I want to finish up my ratings. Problem is, I don't have any money and I refuse to take out another loan.

I was thinking of going into the Air Force, but they're so backed up right now that my chances of getting in are slim..

I'm still young, and I don't want to give up on my dream. Any advice fellas?

FlySince9 said:
I want to buy a 2012 C-182 but I have no money, no job, no ambition, and no rich uncle. Can anybody help? :D
Nothing in the original post seems to rate that kind of mockery. Posts 2, 3, 4, and 5 actually gave reasonable advice.