Interesting clouds

Cap'n Jack

New member
Sorry- no pictures.

I was driving home and saw a towering cumulus uild in front of me. As it grew, I saw what appeared to be 2 standing lenticular clouds above it. The cumulus continued growing and distorted the lennies, and punched through them- the lenticulars merged with the cumulus (may have been a cumulonimbus).

Were the lenticulars formed by the same mechanism that they form over mountains?

If the winds were stong enough to make lenticulars, whay wasn't the building cumulus torn up?

I'd have taken pictures but the clouds had merged by the time I got home, it just would have been a shot of a towering cumulus or cumulonimbus.
Sounds like it might possibly have been a pileous cloud:

(I had no idea there was a Cloud Appreciation Society - the things you learn about on Google!)
